It was so good to get back to Wells Beach, Maine and Ogunquit for a couple of days this past weekend. We hit Wells Beach at low tide in the morning on Saturday and had a good long walk the length of the beach. I found a beautiful pair of false angel wings and many typical shells of the area. I took photos of our finds. The gulls were hanging out and some were eating clams. I spotted only one lone sanderling looking for food around the seaweed and we watched loons fishing in the channel., The wind was calm and the sun peeked out a bit later in the morning making it very pleasant. After lunch at the Maine Diner we decided to go to Marginal Way in Ogunquit. As always it was a treat to walk along the rocky cliffs, enjoy the amazing views, and do a little treasure hunting among the rocks. We found lots of great shells as you will see in the video and I was able to photograph some Common Eiders and White-winged Scoters. I just found out another name for the yellow or smooth periwinkles; they are also called FLAT periwinkles and the latin name is: “Littorina obtusata”. What a pretty name! Common Eiders
AuthorJoanne is a New England based watercolor artist, writer, and the author/illustrator of children's books. She adores the seashore and loves to share that love by filming her beach combing adventures. Archives
April 2022